
Resilience is the human ability to adapt to and recover from stress: being able to bounce-back from difficult situations. Provision of resilient design doesn’t offer a stress-free environment; it just allows inhabitants to manage their personal situation better and recover more quickly when stress arises.

Embracing Resilient Design: Workplace Well-being

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern workspaces, the concept of “resilient design” has emerged as a guiding principle for creating environments that are adaptable, sustainable, and conducive to well-being. PLN has worked with this concept for some years, recognising that through integrating elements such as acoustic furniture and lighting as well as biophilic design, workplaces can foster resilience among employees and enhance their overall experience within the built environment.


Furniture serves as the foundation of any workspace, providing functionality, comfort, and aesthetic appeal. In the context of resilient design, furniture selection goes beyond mere aesthetics to encompass durability, flexibility, and working style considerations. By choosing pieces that are built to last, adjustable to individual needs, and versatile in their use, workplaces can create environments that can easily adapt to changing requirements and promote the wellbeing of employees. Collaborative workstations, multipurpose furnishing and seating solutions not only support productivity but also foster a sense of community and resilience within the workplace.


Lighting plays a crucial role in shaping the ambiance and functionality of a workspace. Natural light, in particular, has been proven to have a positive impact on mood, productivity, and overall well-being. Resilient lighting design focuses on optimising natural light exposure, minimising glare, and incorporating energy-efficient solutions to create a comfortable and sustainable work environment. Through the use of pattern, task or directional lighting the workspace can adapt for many working styles. The use of acoustic lighting solutions also helps dampen extraneous noise and create spaces of relative refuge in otherwise open-plan areas.


Acoustics are a key consideration in resilient workplace design, as noise levels can significantly impact employee well-being and productivity. Excessive noise can lead to distraction, stress, and reduced concentration levels, highlighting the importance of creating acoustically balanced environments. Resilient acoustic design involves incorporating sound-absorbing materials – such as the nanofibres PLN uses in many of its pods, or the acoustic PET material used in our HUSH lights for example. Strategic layout planning, and acoustic zoning to create spaces that support focused work, collaboration and privacy is also key. By addressing acoustic challenges, workplaces can create a harmonious and productive environment that enhances employee resilience and well-being.

Biophilic Design

Biophilic design, which seeks to connect people with nature within the built environment, is a key plank of PLN’s approach to research-led design due to its numerous benefits for well-being and productivity. Integrating elements such as plants, natural materials, and views of nature can aid stress reduction, improve air quality, and enhance creativity among employees. Biophilic design not only brings the benefits of the outdoors indoors but also fosters a sense of connection to the natural world, promoting resilience and well-being in the workplace.


Resilient design in the workplace is a multifaceted approach that encompasses various elements to create environments that support the well-being, productivity, and adaptability of employees. By focusing on furniture, lighting, acoustics, and biophilic design, workplaces can cultivate resilience among their workforce and foster a sense of connection to the built environment. Embracing resilient design principles not only benefits individuals but also contributes to creating sustainable, healthy, and thriving workspaces that are equipped to meet the challenges of the future.

Talk to us if you'd like to know more about resilience using our range of biophilic, acoustic, focus and collaborative furnishings and lighting